God can heal your marriage, we can help!

Get the help you need from people you can trust. At The Cross Marriage Restoration is where solid biblical foundation and teaching meets practical real-life everyday application and coaching for marriages that need anything from a tune up to total resurrection. We have walked this road on our own and are committed to walking it with you and your spouse!

“A cord of three strands is not easily broken”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

About us

Ed and Monica Sawyer

Certified XO Marriage Mediators

and Christian Marriage coaches

“so they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate”

Matthew 19:6

Most Common questions we are asked:

  • Can a broken marriage be restored?
  • How to survive marriage after infidelity?
  • How do I restore trust in my marriage?
  • Can I save my marriage after separation?
  • How to improve intimacy in marriage?

The answer to all of those questions is…Yes! If you are willing to do it God’s way there is nothing impossible, and we can show you how!

Your marriage has a 100% chance of success if you are committed to doing it God’s way

-Pastor Jimmy Evans, Founder Marriage Today


To see individuals, marriages and families redeemed, restored and strengthened through the power of God and His desire for humility, grace, mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation. To see Christ centered and God honoring marriages build lasting legacies that will bless the generations that follow them.


Marriage Mediation

By far our most popular and most effective option. Have you already tried traditional marriage counseling? While there are some amazing and talented counselors, there is only so much you can do in an hour. Inevitably time will run out just as some progress is made and then comes the fight on the way home. Half of next week’s appointment will be putting out the fires that were caused by the prior week. There is a better way! Our full two day private one-on-one marriage mediation is designed for couples who are struggling with multiple issues and/or feeling hopeless about the future of their marriage. This marriage intensive is a relaxed retreat style approach that allows couples the extended time needed to fully process their primary issues without the interruption of time or hassle of scheduling multiple weekly sessions. Offered in person or virtually.

Coaching on Call

Our 90 minute Coaching on Call virtual session is designed for couples or individuals who are unable to overcome a particular area of struggle in their marriage and need clarity, direction, hope and healing. Whether you are newlywed, career-focused, raising kids, empty-nesters, or even separated, we understand every season has its challenges. As marriage mediators, we are equipped to utilize XO Marriage resources and teach couples or individuals how to conquer their area of struggle and become stronger in the process.

Crisis Intervention

Our 60 minute phone call session is designed for couples or individuals who are in crisis and need immediate help. We have trained at the XO Mediator Institute and specialize in marital crisis intervention. We are available to meet you in your time of need, and standing by to listen with compassion and understanding, provide wise objective counsel and help you navigate the best plan of action to start the healing process. You are not alone; we are here to help.

Marriage coaching

Is your marriage is in an otherwise good place and you just want to learn more about how to have a Christ centered marriage? Perfect for newlyweds all the way through seasoned and mature marriages, these 2 hour workshops can be stand alone or combined up to four topics. Also great mini-series for your bible study or life group. Check out the topics in our library.

Speaking Engagements

Designed for churches, conferences and groups small to large. We are available to speak on a variety of marriage topics ranging from spiritual warfare to blended families. Or how to have a Christ centered marriage while navigating an increasingly broken world that is becoming more hostile towards the gospel. We are also available to share our own personal marriage testimony showing that God is still very much active in the miracle-working and redemption areas.

Vow renewal ceremony

Have you already been blessed by one of our mediations or services? Making a public declaration of re-committment to your marriage covenant in the presence of loved ones and friends is a great way to begin your new journey into the future. We have the perfect space on our property for a small ceremony complete with a rugged wooden cross!

What Past clients have to Say:

“Ed and Monica are extremely responsive and tuned in to the issues we faced in our marriage. Now we have the tools and the hope of restoring joy and fulfillment to our relationship. Now it’s a work in progress, whereas before, it was a hopeless death spiral.

Manny and Kim Edwards – Buffalo Valley, TN

My husband and I are very thankful for this experience. We both feel that we were blessed with an even stronger marriage. Ed and Monica were excellent with the material, and made this experience comfortable and relevant.

Jessica M. – Gordonsville, TN

I feel like I was able to find a deeper connection within my marriage. I have a better understanding of what God intended marriage to be and how to apply that to my life.

Stan Z. – Crossville, TN

This mediation helped us see each others side of our conflicts; and steps we can take to resolve them. It was very helpful and hopeful. The XO NOW material was also very helpful.

Nancy E. – Cookeville, TN

This helped to reconnect more with my wife and gave us tools to keep our Marriage Strong

Bruce E. – Cookeville, TN

Ed and Monica are wonderful people. We feel that they have God’s love to transmit to us and our marriage, to teach that with God’s love all is possible. God is everything in life and the source of all the best for you

Maria T. – New York, NY

Ready to shift your marriage and begin a journey that will create a legacy for the generations that follow you?

There has never been a better time than right now. Contact us today.